Wednesday, March 2, 2016

march goals

Howdy y'all! I can't believe that it's already March - it seems like 2016 just started!! As per use, I've got my monthly goal for March comin' @ ya' today. :)

First I've got a recap of my February goals (which you can find here). My first goal was the basic "start exercising and eating healthier" which wasn't a complete disaster but pretty much was. I started counting my calories with My Fitness Pal, but haven't really kept up with it so.... One of my biggest goals for February was to get my MYP project (a cumulative school project) under control. Good news! I finished and will have a whole post about it up (probably) next week! I also wanted to finish the book I was reading and complete another in February. All I have for you on this one is YEET. I am almost done with the book I was on, but it has been pretty difficult to read, especially because I've been annotating as I'm going, but I will probably finish today or tomorrow and than start on the next book which I think I'll be able to read in about a week. Last but not least, I wanted to show a little extra love in the spirit of February. I think I did a pretty good job on this one. :)

My main goal for March is one that I've talked about a few times on B&B, and that would be to get the yearbook DONE. Our book is due in literally 9 days and we're only a little over halfway done. I'm not sure if we'll be able to get it done by deadline, but I'm dang well going to try. And if not by deadline, I want it done by this month so I can start work on next year's book. 

Another thing I want to focus on this month is spending more time outdoors. I always stay inside and then whenever I do go outside I realize how much I really enjoy it. I'm going camping this weekend which I'm SUPER excited about, and I think I'm going camping again during my spring break. I'll also probably set up shop in my Eno most days after school from here on out to work on the yearbook. 

As a sophomore in highschool, I'm taking my first AP test this year aaaaaaaand my "AP level" teacher hasn't taught me anything. So I really need to start studying for my AP  test and really using all the online resources to teach myself the course. It's AP World History, and I want to be a history major in college, so it's pretty important for me to understand this stuff...

Finally, I also really need to start a budget. I've been writing down and keeping up with what I'm buying and earning, but I need to set up specified amount of money that I want to spend on things each month. I have a lot of things I want to save up for, and some of them have a time limit on them (I need a Camelbak resevoir and some bean boots for church camp in June).

That's it for my March goals! What are you up to this month?

Have a great day!

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*Disclaimer: This post was not sponsored or endorsed in any way and all opinions expressed are my own.*

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