Friday, September 11, 2015

my top 6 favorite blogs

Howdy y'all! Get ready, because today I'm talking about some of the most rockin' blogs that have ever happened... Otherwise known as my current top 6 favorite blogs.

Classy Cathleen was one of the first blogs I ever read and I LOVE it. It's so encouraging to see someone the same age as me writing a blog, and writing one so well (read her post on what it's like to be a 15 year old blogger here). Also, her Pinterest is actually my everything.

Wonderlass is another one of my faves because Allison has such a defined voice and brand. She has a post for pretty much any problem a blogger could ever have which is SOOOO helpful for someone like me who is new to the technical side of things. Not to mention her name is Allison too, which makes her 100 times cooler than the average person ;)

Helene in Between has been one that I've really been getting into lately. Helene's "Get Paid to Blog" webinar was super-duper encouraging and definitely lit a fire under me. She also has a ton of posts including several posts about post ideas!

The Nectar Collective is one that I actually just found. I saw her webinar "Social Media Superheros" and LOVED all of her advice! Since watching that, I've been doing really well in terms of keeping up with social media. Her branding is so, so good and she has a butt-ton of great posts for bloggers.

The Swirl Blog (who I just shouted out in my last post) is so cute! They have great content and their blog design is definitely on point. Also, Gabby and Hannah are so sweet!

Stylish Petite is another one of my all time faves. Annie has such a feminine and classy style that I absolutely love (no, but really, I'm obsessed). I adore her simple blog design and that she is always looking for sales to share.

I hope y'all have enjoyed getting to know about a few of my favorite blogs. Do you have any favorites that I didn't mention (Yes, your favorite can be your own blog ;))? If so, make sure to link it in the comments below!

Have a great day!

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