Friday, June 26, 2015

firecracker flag cakes

Howdy y'all! For my first post back I thought I would get festive with some 4th of July treats. Perfect to satisfy your sweet tooth, I made some Firecracker Flag Mini-Cakes.

I started off by just baking white cake. I made mine from a box mix, but you can do it homemade if that's what you prefer. I cut my cake into two separate slices and let them cool while I got the icing ready.

 Again, if you prefer homemade icing, go for it, but I just used store bought vanilla icing. I plopped a dollop of it into two bowls and put red food coloring in one, and blue in the other. After I had those all mixed up, I went back to my cake.

Using a star shaped cookie cutter, I cut into the cake slowly and carefully {don't want that sucker fallin' apart ya' know?}and made a bunch of little stars. You will have cake left over, but I'm sure somebody will be able to find a place for it if you know what I mean... ;)

After you've cut the stars, it's time to ice, ice, baby! {lol sorry that was really dumb} Using your blue, cover two of the points of the star with icing and bring it to a point at the middle. Repeat with the rest of your cakes. Then grab the red and draw horizontal stripes. I was ill-prepared and did not have a utensil for this, so I used a knife, but a toothpick or popsicle stick would probably work well.

Finally, you can't have stripes without the stars! Find some white sprinkles, drop them into the blue, and TA-DA! - you have our nation's flag on a delicious mini-cake!

I brought a few of these to a little gathering, and everybody loved them! Very cute and easy to serve for a little snack. :) What kind of treats are you serving up this July 4? Let me know in my brand spankin' new comments section (!!!). Also, I'd love to hear what y'all think of the new design. It is definitely still a work in progress, but it's getting better by the day!

Have a great day!

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