Monday, October 28, 2013

diy doggie treat tin

Howdy y'all! So sorry I haven't written in a while.... I'm still trying to figure out a schedule. I really hope y'all understand. Anyways, today I'm going to show you how to transform an old coffee tin into an adorable treat box for your pups.

•Old coffee tin (or some sort of tin/box)
•Glue gun
•Fabric (you could also use wrapping paper or construction paper)
•White copy paper
•Stickers (optional)
•Ribbon (optional)

Here was the coffee tin I used. First I washed it out.

Then I took the wrapper off of it and washed the outside of it.

After this I plugged in my glue gun, and while it heated up, I cut the fabric to a size where I could cover the entirety of the tin. After this I carefully wrapped the fabric around the tin and glued it. At the bottom, the fabric was a little long so I wrapped it along the bottom of the tin and glued.

Then I needed a label. I took a piece of regular copy paper and cut it into a rectangle with rounded edges and glued it on the side of the tin opposite from where the fabric overlapped. Before glueing it, I used scrap booking stickers to write out the word "treats" on the label.

As a final touch, to give it some sparkle, I added a glittery ribbon around the top of the can. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough ribbon for it to wrap all the way around, so I just covered the front side. This is also I great way to cover up any mistakes you may have made cutting the fabric.

To finish it off, I just put my boys favorite treats in the tin! They LOVE the ORGANIX Dog Cookies in the flavor Organic Peanut Butter.

Here are a couple of pictures of my boys with their new treat tin. The big lab is T-Bone and the little Yorkie is Watson.

Comment if you can see my cat totally photo bombing those pictures! I think she's jealous...I would love to see pictures of your pups with their treat tins! And please tell me what kind of treats they like because the ORGANIX cookies are hard to find where I live.

Hope y'all enjoyed this post!!

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